The correct way to write ALEX25 is always together and in capital letters.
It is written together so that a single word is found and correct results are obtained when conducting an informatic search.
Capital letters are necessary to maintain a uniform height of the letters with the numbers.
The ALEX25 name was designed to be as universal as possible. Therefore it is possible to pronounce it in any language.
To achieve this, the ‘ALEX’ part is kept intact as ˈæləks and for number 25 the corresponding pronunciation in the different languages is used.
English: 'aleksˈtwɛnti-faɪv
Spanish: 'aleksbejn̪.tiˈθiŋ.ko
French: 'aleksvɛ̃t.sɛ̃k
Italian: 'aleksven.ti.'tʃiŋ.kwe
In any case, the standard version is made with its pronunciation in English.